Pūlama Nā Hulu Makamae is a project of Na Lima Mili Hulu Noʻeau to grow the community of hulu artisans here in Hawai’i. Over two years, participants will create fourteen unique hulu projects, including the basic style of lei, kahili paʻa lima, and more.
Through monthly classes and a close cohort of fellow learners, you’ll perpetuate this ancient and modern art form, build a supportive community of artists, and make the art of featherwork a cherished part of your life.
Classes are held at Halau ‘Inana at 2438 S Beretania St.
The following 2025 dates are subject to change, but are our expected class dates:
If you miss a class, it’s your responsibility to schedule a makeup session with Kumu Mele.
Cohort members can also arrange to meet each other or to get feedback from Kumu Mele any time between classes. We’re all in this together!
Classes are $150 each month. Payment is due by the start of each class.
We accept cash, check, Venmo, or credit card.
Materials - including feathers, needles, thread, felt, etc. - will cost about $30-50 per project. You can purchase these items from Na Lima Mili Hulu No’eau or from other suppliers. The clippers and measurer you’ll need for all projects will be provided at no additional cost.